Sunday, August 14, 2011

Welcome to my blog

I am going to start trying this blogging thing. I don't really have a concrete direction that this blog will follow yet, but I'll probably just post about things that interest me. I work for a college IT Department so technology is a big part of my life. I might post links to articles about tech news of the day and give my commentary on the subject. I am always a sucker for trying new items at the grocery store so I might post reviews about those items. I also eat too much fast food, including new offerings so I'll probably talk about that too. Finally, one of my hobbies is entering sweepstakes online, so I might talk about some of the wins I receive or some sweep that bugs me. No doubt it will take a while to get noticed, but I'll just try to have some fun on this blog and hopefully I'll keep it up! Thanks for looking at my blog, I hope that I'll have something interesting to say.